20 Credits: The PFP® Powerhouse Package

PFP® Professionals: 20 credits (5 Compliance, 15 Professional Development)
Provincial Life Credits: 20 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
Provincial A&S Credits: 12 credits (AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 20 credits (16 Financial Planning, 4 Professional Responsibility)
Institute Members: 20 credits (including 3 Ethics)
IIROC Credits: 20 credits (5 Compliance, 15 Professional Development)
MFDA Credits: 20 credits (2 Business Conduct Ethics, 3 Business Conduct Non-ethics, 15 Professional Development)
General Credits: 7 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
CSF: 5 credits (1 Compliance, 4 Insurance of Persons)

Enhance your education, competence and professionalism with this new selection of courses for the PFP professional.

You receive:

The Art and Science of Suitability
Provincial Life Credits: 5 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 5 credits (Financial Planning)
Institute Members: 5 credits (including 1 Ethics)
IIROC Credits: 5 credits (Professional Development)
MFDA Credits: 5 credits (Professional Development)
CSF: 5 credits (1 Compliance, 4 Insurance of Persons)

Creating suitability between client and product is a challenge with which you are confronted and a means by which you prove your mettle. Whether the product you recommend and provide is insurance or investment, expectations are set for you to do the job objectively, correctly and capably.

Learn expectations and requirements for suitability and how to achieve this lofty goal:

  • Optimize suitability for insurance and investment products;
  • Implement a holistic approach that looks at total needs, situations, weaknesses, and strengths of the individual with the products and services available to the individual;
  • Understand how priorities affect decisions;
  • Execute the suitability checklist.
The Client’s Best Interest: Insights and Ideas for Action
Provincial Life Credits: 2 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
Provincial A&S Credits: 2 credits (AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 2 credits (Professional Responsibility)
Institute Members: 2 credits (includes 1 Ethics)
IIROC Credits: 2 credits (Compliance)
MFDA Credits: 2 credits (Business Conduct – Ethics)
General Credits: 2 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)

Serving the client’s best interest is a requirement for all those with client responsibilities. This course provides the understanding that can lead to generating best interest interactions, plans and proposals.

Learn to:

  • Integrate client best-interest principles into practice and solidify your client relationships.
  • Make clients a priority and confirm your professional responsibility.
  • Enhance personal integrity.
THE GOOD OF INSURANCE – Sounding Off on Insurance Benefits
Provincial Life Credits: 5 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
Provincial A&S Credits: 5 credits (AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 5 credits (Financial Planning)
Institute Members: 5 credits
IIROC Credits: 5 credits (Professional Development)
MFDA Credits: 5 credits (Professional Development)
General Credits: 5 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)

Here are some insurance benefits that reinforce the effectiveness and good uses of an insurance policy.

When you complete this course, you will have:

  • A client-focussed list of the unique strengths of insurance;
  • Rewarding ideas you can take to the table to underscore valuable insurance product features;
  • The advantageous considerations only insurance provides and delivers.

Get all the goods here.

Making the Right Choices for Insurance
Provincial Life Credits: 5 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
Provincial A&S Credits: 5 credits (AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 5 credits (Financial Planning)
Institute Members: 5 credits
IIROC Credits: 5 credits (Professional Development)
MFDA Credits: 5 credits (Professional Development)

Among the many factors to consider in an insurance transaction are those that will result in a policy that will be suitable for clients and fulfill their needs. This course paves the way to making the right choices to attain the right outcomes.

  • Develop a wide-ranging understanding of your role in making insurance right for the clients you have and prospects you encounter;
  • Focus on needs-based selling to sell the right insurance, in the right amount, at the right cost;
  • Make your sales process serve the client by eliminating conflict of interest and by following ethical imperatives.

You will develop a wide-ranging understanding of your role in making insurance right for the clients you have and prospects you encounter. Complete this course now to gain selling confidence and proficiency.

Recognizing and Managing Financial Conflicts of Interest
Provincial Life Credits: 3 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 3 credits (1 Financial Planning, 2 Professional Responsibility)
Institute Members: 3 credits (includes 2 Ethics)
IIROC Credits: 3 credits (Compliance)
MFDA Credits: 3 credits (Business Conduct – Non-Ethics)

Here is a course focussed on what actions comprise conflict of interest (COI) for investment advisors and insurance agents, how they can be managed and mitigated, and the personal development efforts you can undertake to help defeat COI from arising.

You will complete this course with:

  • Constructive ideas to implement to avoid COI in your behaviour;
  • Important insight on how COI develops and how it can be mitigated personally and professionally;
  • Answers to some of the big issues about COI and its insidious effects on advice and professional conduct;
  • Valuable case studies to illustrate COI and its outcome.

Make elimination of conflict of interest your objective; read Conflicts of Interest now.

Receive an immediate regulator-approved Certificate upon completion of each course.

Price charged to FA: $150.00 (You do not pay on this site.)

