15 Credits: The Freedom 65+ Package

Provincial Life Credits: 15 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
Provincial A&S Credits: 5.5 credits (AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 15 credits (Financial Planning)
Institute Members: 8 credits (including 1 Ethics)
IIROC Credits: 3 credits (Compliance /Professional Development)
MFDA Credits: 3 credits (Business Conduct – Non-Ethics)

Retirement can be a source of great joy and freedom, however, it is only realistic to expect certain challenges along the way. This package will develop appropriate client guidance based on needs, expectations for retirement, and retirement risks. It includes:

After Age 71: RRSP/LIRA Options and Strategies
Provincial Life Credits: 5 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 5 credits (Financial Planning)
Institute Members: 5 credits

You might be surprised at the enormous number of uninformed and misinformed people who make decisions for their RRSPs and LIRAs without proper knowledge or guidance.

What’s the best way to manage the carefully accumulated account value to create income and have some money to spend? Learn about available choices, considerations, strategies, and action plans.

This practical and comprehensive information shows the what, how, and when of “what comes next.”

  • Explore alternatives for clients when their RRSP/LIRA matures;
  • Learn about available choices, considerations, strategies, and action plans for seniors;
  • Implement a maturity option for clients that recognizes their specific requirements and is justifiably in their best interest.
Focus On Retirement Risks
Provincial Life Credits: 7 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
Provincial A&S Credits: 5.5 credits (AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 7 credits (Financial Planning)

Retirees face a unique set of risks due to age and circumstances. Their income can be affected by their lifespan, inflation, divorce, declining cognitive ability, overspending, the sequence of returns, and all those unexpected costs that arise and must be paid.

We explore these risks — giving you background and analysis — and go on to provide useful risk management ideas and strategies.

You will find hard facts on the safe withdrawal rate for savings. You’ll learn shock therapy for the over-spender. And, you may learn some surprising information about the cost of healthcare for Canadians.

This course delivers a wealth of meaningful and practical ideas and solutions for safeguarding retirement income.

  • Prepare to tackle seven significant threats to retirees and their income;
  • Explore these risks and learn useful risk management ideas and strategies;
  • Benefit from a wealth of meaningful and actionable ideas.
Know Your Client: Its Challenges and Rewards
Provincial Life Credits: 3 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 3 credits (Financial Planning)
Institute Members: 3 credits (includes 1 Ethics)
IIROC Credits: 3 credits (Compliance /Professional Development)
MFDA Credits: 3 credits (Business Conduct – Non-Ethics)
Price charged to FA: $112.50 (You do not pay on this site.)

